Monday, February 22, 2010

And the Winner is...Ron Paul?

The big CPAC conference was this last weekend and as usual the news media channels were talking all about it today...CPAC has been seen for many years as a stepping stone for those who wish to win the Republican Presidential Nomination but this year CPAC was just a little different...

Firstly, Sarah Palin was strangely absent from CPAC unlike most other Presidential wanna-bes. This cause a high ranking member at CPAC to remark that she might as well forget running for President in 2012. And while many have claimed Palin as the leader of the Tea Party movement she has made statements as of late that suggests she still doesn't see the need for a third party just yet...but her absence from CPAC does make one wonder...

Secondly, as per every CPAC, they hold a vote to whom the members believe should face Barack Obama in 2012 and al the usual suspects were on the list with a few oddballs including: Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty, and Ron Paul. As per her absence one could guess fairly easily that Palin did not do well in the poll and you would be right. Mrs. Palin got a mere 7% of the vote, doing a little better than Huckabee at 4% and Tim Pawlenty at 4%..but who was the winner? Ron Paul!....Now let that soak in for a second...the winner of CPAC's big poll was none other than the Libertarian Anti-Tax King Ron Paul at 31%, beating Romney by 9%!

Now many of MSNBC's TV personalities have used Ron Paul's win (and the boos that ensued after he was annouced the winner) to show the Republicans are a scattered and confused bunch...and perhaps they are right but there is something that bothers me about how MSNBC reported this story...What's so wrong with Ron Paul? Most Liberals still treat Ron Paul like some crazy man because he thinks the IRS and Federal Reserve should be done away with and more fair and efficient tax system should be created...Radical ideas? Perhaps but I can't say that I blame him for the way he feels because we now see today how corrupt and dysfunctional our tax system really is...and more imporantly, I think Ron Paul should be remembered not for his radical ideas but for something very few members of Congress have today...integrity.

Ron Paul is one of the few members of Congress that actually votes how he believes and stands up for his beliefs instead of giving in to lobbyists and partisan fighting...and is one of the most consistent members of Congress. I have always considered Ron Paul to be a great American and while I may not agree with all of his ideas at least he doesn't just scream and hallow at the opposition and blatantly lie to the American people...he speaks his mind and he backs it up on the House floor and for that we should give him a freaking award!

Ron Paul, I salute you!

So Let me get this straight...

Can someone explain to me that when the Dems want to pass a much needed Jobs Bill that should have been passed LAST YEAR they have no problem with several smaller bills that are targeted at helping to drive down unemployment...but when it comes to Healthcare reform they just have to make it one HUGE bill whose cost makes most Americans either fait or swear loudly?.....The Moronic logic of politicans these days just fascinates me...though it doesn't shock me.

Also not shocking today was that when the Jobs Bill was voted on for debate (the procedure that allows debate on the bill before it can be passed) the vast majority of Republicans attempted to filibuster it...a Jobs Bill for God's sake!...but there was a silver lining to this vote today..Bipartisanship! I know its hard to believe but 5 Republicans voted to allow the Bill to be debated..and among those Republicans was the now famous Mass. Senator Brown who supposely represents the first wave of a GOP revival...and for that I salute you Sen. Brown, because you looked beyond partisan politics and saw what you Republican collegues apparently do not..that American desperately needs a Jobs Bill to help the economy rebound.

Nevertheless today President Obama unveiled yet another Healthcare Reform plan....I give him kudos for his persistence but even he must know that the Healthcare Reform effort is dead and should just be forgotten and move on to better things (like the Jobs Bill!)....hopefully some day soon Mr. Obama will fully grasp this or else he and his party will pay the price this November...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tom Tancredo...Ignoramus in Chief

Over the last few days I have watched segments of the speakers from the Tea Party National Convention..and while everyone knows Sarah Palin spoke during that Convention, I wonder how many people know what one of Colorado's worst, Tom Tancredo, also spoke at the convention. As usual Mr. Tancredo talked on and on how immigrants are killing this country's culture and the usual racist ignorance that we are used to hearing from this political moron...

But he went a little further at the convention...he acutally stated that We should reinstate Literacy tests in America...oy vey..Literacy tests as most students of politics and history know were used to keep African American from voting in the South for nearly a century after the Civil War and leading up to the Civil Rights movement in the '60's...Tancredo wants to reinstate these because he believes too many people who can't speak or read English are voting apparently...
Tancredo is a joke at best..

Seeing Tancredo at the Convention doesn't really surprise me...Tancredo is a racist and an idiot plain and simple and sadly thats been the face of the Tea Party Movement...although funny enough if you ever take a close look at Tea Partier signs there isn't alot of good English in those signs!...the Tea Party's biggest problem to me is their lack of credibility, all their supposedly spokesmen; Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Michelle Bachmann, and Tom Tancredo, they're all self-serving political losers who are seen by some Americans as everyday folk when clearly they are not...Sarah Palin has no original thoughts, Dick Armey is a political Dinosaur, Bachmann is a loud mouth who makes Palin look like a genius, and Tancredo is a ignorant racist who is desperate for political attention after his dismal (a charitable term) attempt to win the Republican nomination in 2008

If these are the best spokespersons the Tea Party movement can get then they will never win majory political office..Sarah Palin is their only real asset (as sad as that is to say)and without her the movement wouldn't have any credibility all...

Tom Tancredo is not only a political loser...he's not only a racist...he's not only an ignoramus...he's not only a draft-dodger...He is a waste of oxygen and for him I have just one do you sleep at night you little prick?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Another Great Proposal for Healthcare Reform

While I've been saying for a while that Congress should abandon the Healthcare Reform effort for now and focus on the economy, should someone try Reform after the economy recovers they should read this proposal and go with it...

This was made by the Virginia Whig Party and explores the idea of State/Local Level Health/Entitlement Co-Ops to replace Federal programs and therefore help allievate the burden on the Federal Budget..its a great read and makes alot of sense....

Super Bowl Sunday DEBRIEF

I've decided this Super Bowl Sunday to take time between plays (and commericals) to break down this week in politcs and believe me it's been an interesting one..

Firstly, yesterday was the Tea Party Convention in Nashville and as expected it was a media circus and made big headlines as its keynote speaker former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin proved that she can still thrill people with her words. This convention also proves that the Tea Party Movement isn't a unified political movement as many of the most prominet Tea Party organizations actually boycotted the event because the man ultimately behind is possibly hosting it to make a buck as opposed to a "patriotic" need...which also just proves that the Tea Party movement has corruption in it just like the GOP and Dems (big shocker)...In Fact, my home state paper the Des Moines Register today had a frontline story that 33% of Iowans supported the Tea Party Movement while 45% Don't support it and the rest are unsure. I can tell you that Iowa is historically a somewhat conservative state and these numbers don't surprise me at all..Iowa's current Governor is a Democrat and isn't very popular and Iowans are a fickle bunch when it comes to politics, whoever treats them the best gets their vote (Nothing wrong with that mind you!) and this should wake up some Democrats who think states Obama won in 2008 are going to come through for them this fall because while Iowans may still like Obama I can tell you for a fact they HATE Congress right now, both parties!

Secondly, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has seen they light...if not for intelligence then simply to save his own you ask? Today he actually came out and put his support for a Budget Commission to help weed out political waste and be a first step towards a more fiscally solvent Federal Government and for that I will give him a little bit of credit. Such a commission already has some bipartisan support and could be just the thing for the President to boost is position and agenda even in this tough political year...

Finally, Democrats have continued their spinelessness since their loss of the Super Majority and have done nothing since and seem scared to do anything because they fear they will lose their asses in November...and such an attitude is just going to make sure they LOSE this November...if they can't pick themselves up and move on then they don't deserve to govern...I've said it a million times it seems...Just drop Healthcare Reform and Cap & Trade and get a good Jobs Bill started and passed because this will show that at least Democrats acknowledge the plight many Americans are still in...instead of seemingly overlooking it and become obsessed with Healthcare Reform...don't get me wrong, the United States of American DESPERATELY needs some kind of reform or else it will just help expand our already huge deficit even worse...even Obama has suggested that Healthcare Reform could fail and he seems to have already accepted it (as he rightly should) and moved on to Jobs but it seems Congress is still locked into their politically suicidal quest for Universial Healthcare instead of helping everyday very sad indeed..